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May 18, 20231 min read
Thor: A Little Prayer
Blessed be the light that shines Sometimes unseen but always behind Any shadow that has something to say, To greet, to meet, to teach,...
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Dec 10, 20221 min read
Thor: A New Poem
Heaven and earth are not two worlds but one It is only that one side is blindfolded. We are asked to pin the tail on a non-existent...
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Jun 3, 20222 min read
Thor: Isa And The Ego
We need our ego for boundaries, for balance, and for the all-important quality of discernment. Ann: Thor? I deleted our conversation...
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May 13, 20221 min read
Thor: A New Poem
Thor offered this poem in a recent reading for a client. Both of us were touched and wanted to share. We were all once specks of energy....
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Mar 8, 20221 min read
Thor: The Lightning Strike Of Anger
Runes: Thurisaz ᚦ Cosmic force of destruction and defense, instinctive, not conscious. Kenaz ᚲ Fire controlled by man, a willed energy,...
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Nov 23, 20211 min read
Thor: All In One, A Poem
Thor contacted Anita* who contacted me about a poem he has for the blog - and enjoy the youtube video referenced below. :) Ann: Thor, a...
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Jul 14, 20212 min read
Thor: How To Be Strong
It’s the gentle who are strong because they see what is true. Ann: Thor?* How are you doing? Thor: I am fine, Madame, and have some...
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May 28, 20212 min read
Thor: An Offering
Thor, God of Thunder* Ann: Thor**, are you out there? Thor: Yes, Milady, I have been waiting. I know it is hard to hear us when life...
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Apr 21, 20212 min read
Thor: Kindness
Any stories of kindness that we can share together will exponentially expand the force of kindness in our world. Ann: Mr. Thor?* Thor: ...
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Mar 21, 20214 min read
Thor And Richard: Directing Our Fire
It is always possible to turn dross into gold, and each life is a journey to find the key to do exactly that. Ann: Good morning, Thor, I...
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Feb 28, 20212 min read
Thor: Deep Space
Ann: Mr. Thor? Anita* said you have something for the blog. Mr. Thor: Thor, just Thor, we are friends, you know, you, me, and all of...
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Feb 3, 20213 min read
Thor: Becoming Who You Are
I want to talk to all of you about those patterns in your life, patterns that you can’t seem to shake which may have deeper roots than...
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Jan 24, 20212 min read
Mr. Thor: The Protector
Strength lies in seeing what is true. Ann: Good morning, Mr. Thor.* I gather you have come to talk to me about strength. I am grateful...
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Dec 9, 20202 min read
Mr. Thor: Change
Ann: Mr. Thor*, it is lovely to hear from you. Mr. Thor: Thank you for taking my call, I wasn’t sure if you would. Ann: Why not? Mr....
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Oct 4, 20202 min read
Meet Mr. Thor
Anita* introduced me to Mr. Thor who offers us protection from the dark. Ann: Mr. Thor, would you talk to me? Mr. Thor: Yes, I would...
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