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Anita: Spiritual Expansion and Help For These Times

Anita Sacco* is, as you know, a gifted intuitive. She has recently been experiencing spiritual journeys which have shown her an ever expanding network of entities devoted to the protection of the earth in these perilous times. This morning she saw, from a great distance, the earth growing lighter. She asked me to contact Richard to help to explain.

Ann: Richard, Anita’s journey this morning was intense and specific in showing her how to access divine energy and light through her crown chakra and send it out through her heart chakra for the benefit of others and for the healing of the earth. Do you have any insight you could share with her and with us on these wonders and on the tarot card and rune pulls that seem to be supporting her visions?

Richard: Oh yes, these are indeed glorious sights to behold! I rather think, Anita, love, that you are surprised by all of this. Not that Source, the Kingdom of Heaven as some would describe it, is glorious, but that it can be brought down into our lives on earth, through our atmospheres, through our bodies, through our choices, and allowed to flourish in our environment – and that you can be the vehicle for such healing transmissions.

You and many others are being asked to transmit -, or channel if you prefer - this heavenly energy. It is this that is lighting the earth, not just its atmosphere but the attitudes of its people. The shutdowns that seem to have everyone paralyzed and terrified are nothing more than another step in the process of the lightening of the earth’s atmosphere. In receiving these transmissions we are breaking the cycle of the run, not just on toilet paper which, you have to admit, has a certain irony, but on acquiring, on gaining, on competing, and on being better off than everyone else.

This is our time to heal. Yes, I know I sound incredibly Pollyannaish, but so is the truth. Now is the time we can go inside and discover once again the delights and treasures in store for us there.

And do I hear Ann, always the little cynic, say, what about food, work, money, contact with loved ones? And to that, I say that there will be enough. It may not be exactly as you had thought it would be, but it will be enough.

When this cataclysm is over, we will walk out upon the earth and start again from scratch with a new appreciation for what we have, for what we need, and, more importantly, for what we don’t need. Our deepening love among our families and friends will be the fuel that turns this planet in the right direction. The journeys that you are undertaking are providing necessary nutrients to propel that evolution into reality, into incarnation, and into wisdom that we can all access and internalize.

So what if you go to work in a huge empty box? So what if that hardscrabble corporation you work for does whatever they can to cut out everyone but the top brass? Their money will not save them when they are forced into a room by themselves.

You, Anita, love, have already discovered the perils and delights of that journey into solitude and know that you have nothing to fear. Wherever you are led, it is yours to follow gladly. Your intuitive cards, your rune pulls, and those around you have all picked up on the energy within your soul that has said, “Go!”

I am honoured to join you on this adventure and stand ready to assist in whatever fashion you request.

March 18, 2020

*Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab. Anita can be contacted for readings at ttps://

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Mar 23, 2020

Thanks for the lovely comments, they keep me going!


Mar 22, 2020

Richard really has a way with words. It's almost as if he had a past life as a dramatic actor or something lol ;) Keep up the good work. It really really helps more people than you think.


Mar 19, 2020

Since it's so aligned with this content, just want to share what's been spontaneously coming through my meditation sessions over past week. I begin every time with a mantra of a version of the Four Immeasurables. And then, as I focus on the mandala I have in my altar, which has the Earth in its center, I've been experiencing wispy swirls of healing energy spiraling around me, to the people who live above me, to everyone in my neighborhood, continuing with great speed swirling to nearby towns, my county, my state and then it goes higher around the entire Earth. It's quite a ride, and I feel an intense energy exchange when complete with the sustained focus.


Mar 19, 2020

Many thanks to Ann, Anita and RB. It is so supportive !

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