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Saint Therese Of Lisieux,* The Little Flower

Jesus sent St. Therese to me via Anita Sacco.** I knew next to nothing about her and was privileged to receive this message.

Ann: Sister Therese, Anita say you wanted to speak with me.

St. Therese: Yes, Ann, I have something for your readers. There is a gift that I received many times and tossed away just as often. This is the gift of unconditional love from our Creator, from his missionary Jesus Christ and from all who spoke his words, in his name, and with his voice.

We turn away from God’s love because we feel we must be able to bless his choices and, knowing our own inadequacies, we cannot in good conscience think to do so. In sum, we set our will, our judgement and our fortunes above the judgement of our Creator, and wed ourselves, not to Christ, but to our own self destruction.

Suffering can lead us to the door of understanding – or it can turn our souls bitter. I come to you today to ask that you take the first route not the second. For though it is easy to proclaim ourselves appalled at the behaviour of our fellows, by our condemnation we thus make common cause with them as brothers and sisters under the skin.

There is another way, the little way, the way of responsibility for our own actions and direction. We accept ourselves as vessels of God’s holy grace, and we offer ourselves to those around us as living examples of God’s love. We do not condemn, we do not berate, we simply shine by example.

In so doing, however, we must be careful not to lay these gifts at the altar of our ego and in the deepest corner of our souls give thanks that we are better than our brutish brothers and sisters. No, we take on their grief as our own, we know ourselves to be created from the same source, and we atone for what we may have done and could yet do again if we turn our faces from the light.

Can you take this gentle and terrible path with me? It is not for the faint of heart, but it purifies the soul and allows us to offer our essence back to God in a celebration and reunion that surrounds us with the purest joy.

You enter now a time of darkness and, therefore, a time of opportunity. Take it, my brothers and sisters, and find yourselves anew as you truly are, the beloved child of your Creator.

November 3, 2021

*Thérèse of Lisieux, (1873 - 1897) was a French Catholic Discalced Carmelite nun. She is popularly known in English as "The Little Flower of Jesus", or simply "The Little Flower.” Although outwardly unremarkable, she was later recognized for her exemplary spiritual accomplishments.. She died of tuberculosis at the age of 24. Britannica.

**Referred by Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab. Anita can be contacted for purchase of obtaining the recipe for her protection spray or readings at

Image Credit: St. Therese of the Little Flower Catholic Church, Facebook

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

228 views3 comments


Nov 04, 2021

Oh, Ann, I'm so happy that she reached out to you and us! She has helped me so many times in my life, always a friend to talk to, but especially in one significant time in my life early in my spiritual journey and I asked for her help to find faith again and she showed me the little way ;) Also, I will paraphrase that she was shown that we are all special flowers in God's garden and all have a role and have beauty, right down to the little dandelion ;)

Nov 05, 2021
Replying to

Love this, thank you, Monique!


Nov 03, 2021

A powerful, stirring message. Much to think about. Thank you both!

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