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  • Ann

The Arcturians: The Evolutionary Force

Join with us as we add our gifts to your own

to create inside each heart a respectful and reverent view of life

as it is evolving on this magical planet.

Good morning. We are the Arcturian Council and we are pleased to have connected with you.

We come today to speak about the changing earth and the role that each of you plays in its evolution. There are mighty forces at work now, forces that have their genesis in the outmost reaches of the cosmos, forces which have gathered slowly, traveled eons to reach Earth and which are having a profoundly transformative effect on the planet and all of its inhabitants. There is a rumbling deep within the planetary core, powerful forces of change that move it from a gentle little planet to a roiling cauldron of weather systems and corresponding political upheavals, all in the service of new creation.

The same is true of each individual universe, the universe of one soul, of one body, of one life and its environs. It is this sphere of activity that we ask you to address today. How ready are you for whatever changes maybe asked of you? How willing are you to listen to the evolutionary spirit that resides within your core? Each of you have come to the planet at this time to participate in its metamorphosis. Each life is asked to take on its own challenges for change.

It may be simply a change in attitude or perception. It may be a letting go of expectations of yourself and others. It may be a direct call to a new way of life, even a life of grand adventure.

And whether that adventure takes place in concrete worldly terms or is an invisibly seismic shift in your psyche, each such shift recognized and accepted adds to the beneficial evolution taking place at this time.

We are in the midst of change. Note those around you who cling to the old ways of narrow thinking and insecurities, those who wish to impose their fearful will on a planet and societies that have grown beyond their own narrow focus. This is what resistance brings.

Instead, we implore you to add your energies to the evolutionary changes around you. Join with us as we add our gifts to your own to create inside each heart a respectful and reverent view of life as it is evolving on this magical planet.

We are the Arcturians and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

October 28, 2021

Free Image Credit: 7089643, Pixabay

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Oct 28, 2021

Powerful message. Thank you for sharing, Ann, and thanks to the Arcturians for their energy and willingness to help us!

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