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Angel Gabriel: Did You Think It Would Be Easy?

The human animal needs experience to understand.


Archangel Gabriel:  Did you think it would be easy?  Did you think a radical change in humanity and its organizational systems would happen without a fight? We will see much heartache and abomination, but these all serve to fuel the understanding of the necessity for radical change.

          The human animal needs experience to understand, to believe that what is happening is really happening, and the radical action is necessary to effect a change in course.

          We move at the behest of the Divine, and yet we make our own decisions within that framework.  What you see before you are the beginnings of a stark realization of the lengths to which a world darkened by envy and greed will go to preserve its own power.  Its very success is and will be our call to action.

          Dire need triggers radical action, and we, not just your planet, but all in the cosmos have come to a turning in the road.  Henceforth, we will take a different path on a different trajectory, one which moves us to contain and redirect our darkest impulses in order to elevate and activate our better angels.

          I am one of those.  I come to announce to you a new world, a world that I promised you so many years ago.  You have struggled to bring such a world to fruition but often have fallen the false gods of avarice, fear, and the illusion of control. 

This is ending, but it will not be pretty.  This is when we need everyone of you to resist the siren song of despair, stand up straight, ground yourself in the universal truths of compassion and love.  Elevate your frequencies so that you see current events from the height of history – and not just human history.

          You struggle for all of us.  When you came here, you agreed to confront the demons of darkness, and now is the time that that confrontation is coming to a head. 

Whether in your own life where challenges both unexpected and severe rise up to make you question your faith or whether these challenges loom at large in your local and national communities, this is the time to stand your ground, eyes focused on the holy community of Creation grounded in love and expanded by the energy it generates.

          Our messenger John McCain embodied that energy and continues to do so.  Gird your loins and stay the course.  Fight your doubts as the treacherous envoys of dark energy that they are. Call forth the spirit of Harriet Tubman, and “Keep on keepin’ on.”

July 6, 2024

Free Image Credit: Pixabay, Kyraxys.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only. 

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4 commentaires

07 juil.

Well, Ann....if this isn't poignantly timed from a personal perspective, eh?

Sincere thanks.


07 juil.
En réponse à

I hope eventually it bodes better for you than it has for me, truly.


07 juil.

Thank you, a message I needed to hear! 💖

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