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Gandhi: We Move Together

There is always a way. 

Ann: Mr. Gandhi?


Mahatma Gandhi: Yes, I want to talk to you. 

There is more than one way to fight.  And fighting itself is not unholy; it all depends upon ends and means. 

By that, I am suggesting that there is such a thing as a holy war, a war in which you refuse to give into injustice or allow yourself to be coopted by convenience or comfort.

          A holy war is a determination to live your live in concert with Spirit, taking no man’s life or livelihood, but at the same time refusing to allow such to be done to you and yours.  You step forward in righteousness keeping your eyes on the light.

          It is not a grim mission thought the words are unrelenting, for laughter, joy, dancing and compassion fuel the mission.  We come here to lift the atmosphere of a very dense planet and a daunting task it may seem to be unless we take day by day, choosing light and joy at every crossroads.


Ann:  I thought you were into starvation and such in order to move your cause forward.


Mr. Gandhi: Yes, that brought attention to the nonviolent movement, and self-discipline kept us on track, but every time is different.

          Many of you feel helpless in the face of a coopted political system, coopted not by just one faction but by a myriad of powerful forces seeking the gather the fruits of everyone’s labour for themselves. 

Nevertheless, there is always a way.  Simply live the life you have been granted and take every opportunity to turn back lies, corruptions, and the evil they engender.

          We move slowly, this army of light workers, seemingly constrained by our own ethics, a morality founded on the essence of the creative force that sent us here to further is holy mission, i.e., that we should love one another as ourselves and do good to those who despitefully use us.

          But it is the example, my friends, that carries the power, and an awesome force it is, an incalculable really when the ones join together to become the many.

          Find your own way to fight.  Turn back the hard comment with a soft answer.  Refuse to be drawn into tit for tat encounters. Be impeccable in your thoughts and manners. And then the power of your holiness will, even when seemingly unnoticed, move mountains until a new way of life. is revealed.

          For such is coming, whether or not we as individuals live to see its fruition.  It is the step by step movement that will carry the day.  It is coming.  Have faith, do your part.


Ann: Is this really you?


Mr. Gandhi: (Smiling.)  Yes, it is the voice of the persona I assumed in a time not so long ago. 

Now, as then, little by little, wave to wave, we progress.  Now, as then, it will seem that we are in retreat, but instead we are in a time of gathering, of remembering why we came and resolving to carry the mission further. 

I and many others in spirit are at your back, lighting your way with the lamps that always lit your way.  We move together, and together we will create a new world.

August 6, 2024

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only. 

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Emerald Green
Emerald Green
Aug 08, 2024

Thank you Ann for providing this awesome post! It helps clarify what we can do to make spiritual progress.

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