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John McCain Has Had Enough!

John McCain: Alright, that’s it!  Annie get over here and take this down:

          If you want an all-expense paid trip to hell, greased with cowardice and betrayal, just hitch your star to my ex-friend, Lindsey Graham.  That lily-livered skunk never put his body on the line for anything, and now that he knows that the hands of the law are comin’ for him, he has thrown his lot in with the most corrupt, treasonous assholes that have ever pretended to serve the United States of America – and that’s sayin’ something.

          We built this country on honor, on protecting our citizens, and on standing by our word in the international community.  We may not have always lived up to these ideals, but they were our lodestars. Lindsay knew this when he signed on as my acolyte, and I thought he was the real thing.  Just goes to show you how fear-inspired corruption eats away at every last atom in the soul.  He once had light, honor, and vision.  Now he is running scared and willing to sacrifice the entire country on the altar of a Know Nothing Party led by a fat emperor who thinks his shit don’t stink.

          I knew Lindsey had lost his way, but I thought there was a bottom to his cowardice and corruption.  But now he – and the rest of what is now the Party of Russia - are ready to become satellites of one of the most corrupt, violent, and intolerant societies on the planet.  And every time one of our own votes to oppose Ukraine, they drive another nail in what they hope will become the coffin of the Constitution of the United States of America.

          Well, think, again, boys, and all you traitors on either side of the curtain.  We ain’t bowin’ down, and we ain’t givin’ up.  You gutless wonders are gonna get the wakeup of your lives when the true patriots in this country see, really see that the Russia Party has replaced the Republican Party and make no bones about it. 

          We need every one of you on every street corners asking everyone you meet if they think that appeasing a bully is the way to peace and independence.  I know the people of this country, and, when they see what’s happening, they will not stand to be run over by traitors.


Ann:  Ok, John, ok.  But lots of people resonate to isolationist tendencies and don’t see why we need to engage, just stay home and tend our own fires.


John:  Yeah, right, and when we are hangin’ out here all by our lonesome with no friends and allies, who do you think is gonna come calling?  It ain’t the Angel of Mercy, I can tell you that. 

We are on the road to becoming sitting ducks to the tyrants of the world, and now my ex-colleagues want to give them our power without a fight.  God almighty, I never thought I’d see it.  And Lindsey with ‘em.  Disgust doesn’t even come close.


Ann:  What about the immigration problem?


John:  Annie, we were on our way to fixin’ that in my time with the bipartisan bill that set out a reasonable path to citizenship, but the fearmongers, in my time and yours, those who want chaos so they can feed off its entrails, are happy to block any solution just so they can yell "Help, help the barbarians are at the gate!” just so you will turn to them for “protection.”  Please.                       

          The solutions are there, but they won’t take them because a solution is not what they’re after.  They want chaos so evil can triumph. 

What they don’t realize is that they will be its first victims without the laws that they want to destroy.  A sideways glance from the Emperor du jour and off with their heads.  And then real revolution will be upon us.

Well, it’s not to be.  It won’t happen, they are walking the plank of their own making to their own destruction.  But we cannot sit by.  We must stand up, stand up now, and let our voices be heard. 

Never has the intention to destroy this country from within been clearer.  Put it out there and ask everyone you meet if that’s how they want to live – and die. 

For that is what will happen, mark my words.  The Pied Piper has lured these morons up the mountain and will send them over the cliff while he watches. 

But if we stand up, expose the slicked up would-be tyrants for what they are,  they will go down like so many midway targets at the fair.


Ann:  What about Biden?


John:  As gallant a man as ever you will find, and he knows how to fight, don’t let them fool you.  Yes, his strength is waning, but he is giving everything to this final fight because he knows what is at stake, and he will not let go.  Stand behind him.  He is a leader, and he knows where he is going.

February 14, 2024

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Peter Barker
Peter Barker
Apr 05

Better to stand and fight then all into being a coward like Graham.


Feb 16

Love you John McCain! Thank you for your words. There are some MAGA people who wear t-shirts that say "I'd rather be Russian than a democrat" ... how did that happen? Thank you John. We will need your insights this year.


Emerald Green
Emerald Green
Feb 15

Extremely well articulated and most reassuring! Thank you John for expressing your thoughts and Ann for sharing them with us. 💜


Feb 15

Love you, John, and thank you and Ann. ♥️


Denise Roberge
Denise Roberge
Feb 15

John McCain is still a unique character and delightfully blunt and honest! Love this one. <3

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