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Margaret Koolman: Soul Astrology

Scorpio New Moon – 14/15 November 2020*

'A powerful frequency-raising mind

is the greatest immunity to all that life may throw at us.'

Margaret Koolman, Scorpio – leave no stone unturned!

This New Moon in Scorpio directs us to get to grips with exactly how things are, what's going on under the surface of our lives, the deeper currents at work, and how they are affecting our outer experience (Sun/Moon sextile Pluto/Jupiter). We have just been through the culmination week of the huge wave of experience from early January onwards. And this wave is the culmination of other waves from 2007 (Jupiter over Pluto last), 2000 (Jupiter over Saturn last), 1983 (Saturn over Pluto last), and 1285 since all three were together (that happened to be at the end of Capricorn too). This ending has been rolling towards us all year, and doesn't really complete until 21 December. I'm laying out one way of viewing the process below here:

Run through the year so far:

Although there were intimations of the coronavirus by this time last year, the news of it as an epidemic arrived early January this year (Saturn conjunct Pluto at 22½ Capricorn on 12 January).

Since then, much has unfolded accompanied emotionally by shock, fear, grief, anger and, mentally by blame and intense argument with two sides on every aspect of how we live our lives (Jupiter over that same degree of Capricorn mid-March, and over Pluto early April, while Saturn spent April, May and June in Aquarius).

Everything went on hold in May even though things seemed to be resolving, with frustration and inability to see where things were going (Jupiter retrogrades for 4 months every year, this year from mid May till mid September, so back over the critical degrees late June/early July.)

We have looked deeply at fear of being fatally ill and losing our family and friends versus fear of losing our livelihoods and our freedom of choice. It seems probable that the hype stretched far beyond the facts. Our perspective on all these things is determined by our beliefs and habits of thought, and we have become fiercely entrenched in our own views, battling with ideas and neighbours, creating only discomfort, and us-and-them scenarios (Mars through Aries since late June and retrograde from early September ).

During September and October there was an increase of intensity about whatever issues have been uppermost for each of us, a sense of preparing our positions for an all-out attack on circumstances (as Jupiter moves forward over the Capricorn ground he trawled through before).

This week, at last, the dam is burst, the river is flowing, the results of the January shock/fear pandemic are upon us, and will continue to unroll inexorably. (I hesitate to mention the US election . . . ) (This week Jupiter crossed 22 Capricorn for the last time meeting Pluto at the same point, and Mars turned direct the day before this New Moon in Scorpio.)

The week before the New Moon

This week has been the opportunity to experience our personal results from the strangest year the 'civilised' world we know has seen, to recognise what deep changes need to be made by each one of us in our own lives. It's how we are with ourselves, and the world we picture around us, that determines what we get in future. Not that we consciously change the outside, but that our relationship with it is our real experience.

So now is the time to register what may have risen from your own depths, waiting there as pockets of emotional memory, or conditioning we have assumed to be true and now find is inappropriate and blocking our future growth and unfolding. Register what's there, examine it with interest, not to find fault but to learn from old errors, so that, when situations appear to repeat, we are able to manage them with the learning we have achieved through all our years of experience.

The coming month

There is continuing encouragement to let go of our limitations, our habits of thought, our superfluous possessions, whatever it might be for yourself (Mercury opposite Uranus). Relationships will continue to require us to actually listen to 'the other' before we respond, and much communication will be about the everyday circumstances as we struggle to manage ourselves while keeping up with the changes (Venus square Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn).

The Full Moon chart for 30 November suggests a smoother two weeks with a more Sagittarian flavour, perhaps searching for ways to help and heal the individual in us (Sun trine Chiron from Sagittarius until the Solstice on 21 December, Mercury in Scorpio sextile the Capricorn group). Perhaps this indicates the many conversations that will abound, about vaccination, finance, personal freedom, continued restrictions.

On 17 and 20 December, Saturn and Jupiter move into Aquarius, and 21 December holds their conjunction, so there is still a lot of change to come. (I hesitate to mention climate change . . . ) Let's stay with the present conditions of body and surroundings, relate to those people within our 'reach', and prepare ourselves and our immune systems for the buffeting winds of change that follow a passing juggernaut! Hold onto your hats!

November 14, 2020

*Margaret Koolman, Soul Astrology,

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1 Comment

Karen Grace
Karen Grace
Nov 15, 2020

Tina Spaulding in Channeling Jesus also mentions Dec. 21 as a significant date.

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