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Abraham Lincoln: This Day In History

Funeral Procession of Abraham Lincoln

New York City, April 25, 1865

Abraham Lincoln: One hundred and fifty six years ago today, the funeral procession carrying my remains moved through New York City. My death was the result of a fanatic obsessed with the prospect of losing his way of life in the slave supported South. To him there was no other life. He had no confidence in his own abilities, just an obsessive dependence on a false standard of living born of tyranny imposed on a race of a stolen and subjugated people.

I was not the first man sacrificed to this false pride and possessive enmity, and, as remains clear today, I will not be the last. We see that sacrifice every day on the streets of cities, towns, and rural communities where someone thinks that they have the right to allocate privilege because of the color of their skin.

When that happens, civility is lost, kindness is an unrealized dream, and lies and blasphemy become the coinage of the realm. When we see these values attempting a re-ascendancy, we are reminded that we are still fighting the same war.

It falls to us to hold the line and at the same time refrain from blame and revenge at people whose convictions and way of life were bred in the bone by those who had similarly been indoctrinated in superiority from their cradle.

It falls to us to follow every funeral procession that symbolizes the resilience of hatred and unaccountable power. Follow that procession to the grave and beyond to the halls of justice where accountability is beginning to emerge.

March with that procession to the seats of government, state and federal. Never let the murderous entitlement of one people gain sway over another without a fight. Fight to the death and then, when victory is won as it surely will be, take that victory into the schools and churches where civilization has a chance to rise again.

And when that happens, do not forget that civilization belongs to all of all of us. It gains us nothing to create another exclusive class. It behooves us instead to walk in the way of Jesus Christ and follow his exhortation, “Do good to those who despitefully use you.”

Accountability is our watchword, revenge is not. We offer forgiveness when repentance is real, and consequences for those who persist in evil.

This is a holy time, a time of much growth and expansion in our ideas of who we are and who we want our children to become. Let us remember the joy with which a child free from abuse and bondage greets each day.

Let us teach him honesty, responsibility and joy. Let us show her that she is every bit as important and talented as her brothers. And for those with color marking their strength, their perseverance, and their integrity, let us honor their presence among us.

On this day, let the old ways be buried. Not forgotten, not wiped from the slates recorded history, but remembered and archived so that when the day of resurrection from that darkness releases us into the light and truth into our burgeoning future, we can claim our strong foundation in the resurrection.

The pieces are all in place for a new day to arise. The horrors of the past mistakes of the past have resurfaced to allow us to witness the futility of their lies and the ungodliness of the cruelty those lies propagate.

This is the time to look these horrors in the eye and bury them in the past for good.

April 25, 2021

*Referred by Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab. Anita can be contacted for purchase of obtaining the recipe for her protection spray or readings at

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Apr 29, 2021

This language is gorgeous - the message amazing. Thank you President Lincoln.


Karen Grace
Karen Grace
Apr 26, 2021


Apr 28, 2021
Replying to

As I was scrolling down to make a comment I saw you already said exactly what I was going to say, so add another Amen to that.


Apr 25, 2021

This is a very powerful, moving message. With deepest gratitude to President Lincoln and Ann for this post!

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