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Ann Albers: A Message From The Angels

The following is and excerpt from Ann Albers' Message From The Angels in her weekly newsletter today.* It inspired me this morning and hopefully will bring some light to you also.

"A deep and powerful wound is being lanced in your world. It is not easy, not pretty, and certainly not pleasant for so many, but in the long run, you will live in a far better, kinder, and more connected world. You will feel your connection with one another, with nature, with other countries, regardless of race, religion, creed, or gender. This is why you grieved the passing of your dear Ruth Bader Ginsburg, because she stood for a world of equality, and we assure you that even though her body has passed, she is in absolute bliss as she witnesses the movements she birthed and supported here upon this earth. She loves and supports each and every one of you willing to consider yourselves equal in the eyes of God. She knows she "worked herself to death" and has no regrets whatsoever, for she knows, in the light of heaven's truth, that there is no death of the Love that one births while there upon your earth.

There is no death of the Love that one births while there upon your earth.

Remember that dear ones. The love you birth in your earthly dimension is eternal. You are the hands, the eyes, the mind, and the mouth of God when you are willing to bring any love to the surface – in any way, in any given moment. Your love remains as a vibration, very much like a note sounded into eternity, that will contribute to the upliftment of the human race even after your body leaves. Whenever you appreciate the simplest thing, you send forth this love. Whenever you treat yourself or another with kindness and compassion, you emanate this love. Whenever you think a thought of delight, joy, or simply contentment, you emanate this love. You are doing it far more often than you might think. Love is natural to the soul and, unimpeded by negative thoughts or expectations for even a second, it flows freely.

You allow Love to pour forth from the Presence of God into your experience here in your earthly reality. Love is ever present beneath the surface, but you are the ones who allow it, through your willingness, into the experience of humanity.

Dear ones, instead of asking "When it is going to get better," (for it will soon enough), ask yourself much simpler and more powerful questions: "How can I make my life better in this moment? How can I bring a bit of love to the surface in my mind, heart, or life right now? Can I think one kinder thought about myself or another? Can I perform one simple act of kindness towards myself or another, even if it not witnessed by anyone else? Can I appreciate just one thing, right here, right now? What can I contribute to life in this moment, if only a positive vision, or a quiet prayer?"

No act of love is ever insignificant. Love is the nature, the power, and force of the Divine. To the degree that you allow Love through you into your mind, heart, life, family, and community, you will elevate yourself above the world's unloving challenges, and become the contribution that you truly wish to be. It is, indeed, truly that simple. One loving thought. One loving word. One loving deed... and like a snowball rolling and gathering momentum, your loving vibration will join with others to form a powerful movement of love upon your planet earth. Your notes join together like a symphony that forms a choir of angels, for in your love, you are indeed the angels upon this earth."

September 26, 2020

* Ann Albers

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4 תגובות

29 בספט׳ 2020

What beautiful comments! Thanks to all of you for receiving this blog with such love and kindness.


29 בספט׳ 2020

Thank you to the "Two Ann's" for sharing that grand message, and thank you all Angels here and "here"!

I love the Simplicity and Ease and Inclusivity of all of us working in Harmony, as it reflects all the wonderful messages by all the Angels who have helped us all the way through your blog journey with Anita, that you both have simply been Angels to share with the world, and we do our part for others, and so on, and so on!


Amy David
Amy David
26 בספט׳ 2020

glorious message. i will read this one a lot. Thanks for sharing the love, Ann.


Jane Basehoar
Jane Basehoar
26 בספט׳ 2020

Wow, inspiring and powerful message so needed with our democracy being attacked by a weak insecure bully. Thank you Ann, this was soul soothing information. I consider it a loving gift from the Universe for my 71st birthday tomorrow.

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