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Archangel Gabriel: Christmas Blessings

Light and grace can come to you with a lightness of being that,

even in the darkest of circumstances.


Ann: Archangel Gabriel? Is that you?


Archangel Gabriel: Yes, and, I have been at your side through much of the holiday rush trying to get your attention.

You have come here with the best of intentions and heart full of love, but neglected to feed your spirit which hungers for love and contact with its Creator.

I ask you now to set aside all the complications, joys and sorrows, of family life, and reflect on the source of your creation.

Many of you know of me as the Angel of the Annunciation, the angel who brings tidings of good fortune and warnings of those energies which seek to obscure the light.

But in addition, I am an angel, an archangel, by that I mean one who stands above, one who is close to Source, and one who, though he has not incarnated into the challenging form of human being, can nevertheless provide an avenue of connection between the soul of the beings on the planet with the Creator who offered you this opportunity to expand your soul.

No, it is not easy. For many of you, human life has been excruciating. And yet I say to you that the communication with your Creator remains available to you no matter how far distant your circumstances.          

Please come to me. Offer your prayers for communication through me. Light and grace can come to you with a lightness of being that, even in the darkest of circumstances. They can penetrate your sorrow if you can muster the strength to lift your eyes and connect with your creator who loves you, suffers with you, holds you in his arms, and will walk you home with love and appreciation for all you have endured and accomplished.

Yes, I know many of you feel that you are falling short or even that you have been abandoned. But when you are trying your best, even when you fail, even when you go through periods of despair and resistance, you are still trying your best to come into the light.

I ask only that you not require understanding of the concept of creation, and in particular the creation of a human being, as a condition of your connection with your Creator. For what you experience now forms only a small fraction of what you are, what you have been, and whom you serve.  It is imperative for you to try to take on faith that there is a reason for your existence as it is in the here and now.

I am an archangel of great light and resonance, and I send to each of you all of that beauty that you can absorb in your presence state of being, and I ask only that you lift your eyes to me and to open your heart to your Creator, for you were created in love and there you remain.

December 25, 2024

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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