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  • Ann

Archangel Gabriel: Look Where You Are Going

When my kids where growing up, they determined that I should learn to ride a bike. I tried, but I kept running into parked cars. Turned out, I wasn't looking where I wanted to go...

Ann: Would one of you want to speak to me about this?

Archangel Gabriel: Yes, there are many here who know the efficacy of such a program. I will take point.

I am Gabriel, Angel of Light. I come to you in times when vision is fading. It is my job to provide the light necessary for you to reestablish your balance, your center, your direction, and your faith in the fullness of the prophesies of Christ and the Way of Great Spirit. While it may not seem like it at present, the Lion will in fact lie down with the Lamb. This is the vision to hold.

Ann: Sorry, but it doesn’t fit with, not only the present crisis, but the pattern of world history of war after war after war ad infinitum.

Gabriel: So it may seem, and yet I bid you look where you want to go, not into the pit of misery that results from clouded vision. You speak from the perspective of the tunnel vision of the Earth. Indeed we understand how such may be sealed off into the narrow focus of world events with the cruelty before you currently ratified by various elements of your own societies.

Nevertheless, that is not all there is. The direction of your vision determines where you will go. In darkest times, lift your eyes above, up to the sky if that is all you have, to the trees and hills if they are available, and to the mighty winds and seas that carry life of the Living God on their wings.

Ann: OK, sounds good, but just pointing out that nature if not always kind either.

Gabriel: No, nor is the cauldron that is the earth, its foundations, its evolution, and its in habitants. Nevertheless, these events do not comprise the totality of energies available to those who have made the journey to this challenging environment. Choice is still and always within your purview.

I come as always to share the vision that is to come, the vision of what is possible, the vision of who you are when your choices are made. This is a vision of light.

Fred Rogers said “Look for the helpers,” and that is where I ask you to put your focus, for in so doing you align with that energy rather than the darkness trying to spread its misinformation, to use a modern term, over the globe and into the hearts of its inhabitants.

Look where you are going, where you want to go, and where you want your loved ones to travel on their journey to the Sun. For that is the hero’s journey, out of Darkness and into Light.

March 7, 2022

Free Image Credit: PIxabay, Darkmoon_Art.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Mar 17, 2022

Thank you Gabriel, for keeping us on track. Yes, we have to see with our eyes the reality so it affects our hearts and stirs us to action. And yes, where we put our focus, leads us to where we want to be. And for those suffering in the Ukraine and Russia and all over the world, we, from our armchair spaceships, can also put our energies with those working around us Here and here, to proven good use and focus on the safety and calm for our human family in the midst of the turmoil and destruction. It's what got Yeshua and Miriam, Nelson Mandela, and our contributor John McCain and others, out of despair. This includes every p…

Mar 17, 2022
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Mar 07, 2022

Ann, I very much appreciate the questions you pose - they are from the hearts of many.

While I also appreciate hearing from the Archangels (particularly NOW), their messages can be a bit vague. Perhaps it's just me, being human, being a human on this planet, observing and experiencing the unacceptable, intolerable and inexcusable.

Hugging a tree just isn't cutting it.

Mar 08, 2022
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Indeed my friend ..... indeed


Karen Grace
Karen Grace
Mar 07, 2022

This is exactly right...if we look at depressing pictures of invasions and killings we call up more of same; when we look at pictures, like the recent one of empty baby carriages at a train station left by Polish people (the helpers) for mothers with babies fleeing Ukraine, we get more like that!

Mar 07, 2022
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Perhaps it is just THAT we are meant to get. Perhaps just THAT is of ultimate import; I will continue to look, continue to observe and NOT turn away; I believe there is value opening one's eyes to what there is to see.

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