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  • Ann

George Washington: Remorse

Slave quarters at Mount Vernon.

Ann: General Washington?*

General Washington: Yes, Ann, I appreciate your allowing me space here. I understand your reluctance as my energy is not entirely clear, and this is because of what I carry still from my lifetime as George Washington.

In that life, I was granted inordinate spiritual gifts, physical fortitude, and leadership abilities. I tried to meet the moment by fighting for my country’s liberation from a people totally uninterested in the colonies they had created except as vehicles for the provision of goods and services for the privileged, as a captive market for their own wares, and as an outpost for the British monarch. Let’s face it, the British were after world domination, and I was happy to be a part of putting a stop to that.

However, as Jesus said, before you try to take the speck out of another’s eye, attend to the plank in your own. I claimed my own prosperity based on the slave labor that produced wealth for the South, for people just like me who bought, sold, traded, oppressed, and exploited those with dark skin.

For that I have been and am still atoning in the many and varied ways.

I ask each of you to look into your hearts to see if, in some lifetime, in some act, in some gesture, or in some ever so fleeting thought, you too are a slave trader. What would you do, what have you done or countenanced to preserve your way of life or to get your own way? What would you do if pushed to the line?

In this you must make common cause with the shadow that haunts us all, which, if shoved under the rug, will rise up to strike you down when you least expect it.

I am here to beg you to look it in the face, to flush out the form it hides in those shadows. Now while you can, make amends, make a new life, make your heart open to accept this shadow as part of you so that, in sunlight, it and you can make better decisions and work together to empower the light.

Do not, I beg of you, wait until you pass for such recognition and reconciliation. At that point you will have to begin all over again at the beginning to find those dark places to root them out of your soul. I released my slaves at my death. I did not provide for them even then except in minimal ways. I did not call them brothers. I cut and ran.

This from the commander of the Revolutionary forces who took a rag tag army against the mightiest fighting force in the world all in the name of freedom. And yet, I was a traitor in my own back yard.

Please, take me as a cautionary tale and do otherwise.

April 11, 2021

*Referred by Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab. Anita can be contacted for purchase of obtaining the recipe for her protection spray or readings at

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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4 comentarios

12 abr 2021

Ann -you are on fire lately! These posts are so touching, so deep, so instructive. I am continually amazed. The contrast George Washington explains - having done so much good and bad both in the same life... it's fascinating.

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11 abr 2021

This affected me deeply. I always wondered about our founding fathers who owned slaves, built and sustained wealth from slavery. Thank you George Washington for stepping forward and Ann for receiving his message. There are those that sense/feel/intuit that Stacey Abrams of Georgia is George Washington reincarnated. If so, he is doing a great job atoning!

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11 abr 2021

Such an important message! It takes just a little bit of time to make amends while still on the planet compared to years in earth time on the other side. So sad that our first leader is still suffering from his being a slave holder. 🙏

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11 abr 2021

Ann - this message is very powerful and one we would be best to take notice of:

Do not, I beg of you, wait until you pass for such recognition and reconciliation. At that point you will have to begin all over again at the beginning to find those dark places to root them out of your soul.

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