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John McCain Steps In


Anita* called me to say that John McCain was jumping up and down and wanted to put something up here. So I took the hint - or rather, the kick in the pants.... He is a steam engine, thank the goddess.

Ann: OK, John, you just bumped Richard, Miriam,** and a couple of other projects….just kidding. As always, I am thrilled and honored to hear from you.

John: Get a trowel, Annie, so you can shovel it on thicker. But yes, it is important for me to speak to you and everyone out there this morning because we have to rally the troops, something that Miriam** and your readers in their comments are already doing.

First thing, people, did you really think it would be a walk in the park? Power is not disgorged lightly, and when they pay off their supporters with money and psalms to their superiority - not to mention corrupting various parts of the system - we can expect that they won’t just fold their tents and go away. We’re in for the fight of our lives, my friends, but, one way or another, we will win it.

The baseline of defense is within our own souls. If we don’t carry the light there, how can we expect it to be carried elsewhere? I am delighted to see that my home state is headed generally in the right direction, and, though I take no credit for the movement which has been carried on the backs of so many, I do note the many people who have stood up to say enough, myself included. This outward action has only been possible because of a foundation built and strengthened through previous wars and the commitment solidified there.

Ann: Can you hang on, john, got a few distractions here?

John: No worries, I can talk over that. What I am saying is that each of us has the truth within us, and, if we let some setback here or there shut us down, we are not ready for the big time.

So take note of how you feel this morning. Is your resolve is strengthened or do you feel like slinking off into a corner? Oh, I understand the feeling, but give it a pat on the head and send it on its way, we have work to do.

This was never a going to be a cakewalk, my friends. Even if things had gone our way, we would have had to resist the temptation to sit back on our laurels and let the “big guys” take care of things.

What you have seen today is that there are no big guys, only us soldiers in the trenches. But, take note, people we are the ones who will win the war.

So let’s get up and keep marchin’ as Auntie would say. We are developing a battle seasoned army, and that, along with the Divine Light of our Creator, will carry us through.

November 4, 2020

*Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab.**Anita can be contacted for purchase of obtaining the recipe for her protection spray or readings at

**Please reread previous post by Mary Magdalene, "Hang In." in light of today's news, it was prescient.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Nov 04, 2020

Much gratitude and blessings to Ann and John McCain for today's timely post . It was so centering . Kim ,from Intuitiview , also heard from John McCain . She told her viewers today that he had sent enormous support for today's good outcome in Arizona.


Nov 04, 2020

Beautiful comments, very thoughtful, thank you!


Amy David
Amy David
Nov 04, 2020

Im reading Tosha Silver’s book about abundance and thought some of her words were helpful for how we are feeling today.

”it can be far easier to invite through prayer than trying to convince the ego to accept what it hates. This means praying to embrace something as it is in the now. Not forever, just right now, since in Gods world, things can turn on a dime. Radical acceptance in the NOW opens up the Flow.

A prayer: when stuck in total resistance I could say, “Let me say yes just for now.” This is not resignation nor powerlessness. It opens the way for the next right action.

”May this burden that’s brought me such suffering become the road…


Amy David
Amy David
Nov 04, 2020

These posts provide the foundation on which to stand. Arcturians instructed us to give love to those we don’t agree with. It reminded me of the post from Jesus about forgiveness and how hard it was for Him to forgive those who tortured Him yet I think that is what we are being asked to do. Forgive others from the cross to which we are nailed and feel pain and hopelessness. John has been warning us that this process would be messy and torturous. We are tired and we were hoping that the general population would have seen how unfit this man is for office by not just hearsay but by 4 years of evidence. It was not …


Nov 04, 2020

Thank you John McCain for commenting today. I was hoping to hear from you. I agree that with you that this would not be easy. What is difficult is that I put so much faith in the polls. They are no more accurate than they were in 2016. So I’ll take your advice; sit with disappointment, brush it aside and move forward. Please continue to communicate with us often. Your words are comforting during these trying times.


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