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John McCain: The Morning After


I didn't watch the debate but apparently John McCain did.

Ann: Hi John, Anita* said you stopped by yesterday and that I should connect with you or you would drive her crazy.

John: You girls are really checking in to the system, aren’t you? And I would certainly never intend to drive either of you crazy because I might wear out my welcome. Now I am persistent – and I always liked Liz Warren for that same trait.

I woke you up this morning because I wanted to weigh in on that travesty some people are calling a debate. If any one of my former colleagues was watching, I sure hope that in the secrecy of the ballot box they will come to their senses.

Clearly they have forsaken any idea of stand-up action, but somewhere, somehow, in some deeply buried and almost completely smothered corner of their consciences - or even their instinct for the actual survival of their own sorry skins - I pray that they may find the will to turn back from the precipice on which they are teetering - if they haven't already jumped off.

I say "they" because, oddly enough, they have the most to lose, i.e., what is left of their immortal souls. As one sheep after the other has jumped off that cliff into that black hole, we see what used to be men turned into power-crazed wannabe little oligarchs - and that is not too far off the mark. But worse than that, is the consigning to hell of their own souls and the country that, however imperfect it was and is, was at least a flying chance at creating a better world.

However, my friends, not to despair because what you don’t see is the rest of the country following them over that cliff and into that dark abyss. I know a wake-up call when I see one and last night was a screamer. It looked bad, I have to admit, and my friend Joe could hardly believe what he was witnessing, but he pulled himself tougher and allowed the world to see who he is and that is exactly who we need.

If anything, Old Fat Ass made the case for Joe in the direst terms possible by showing himself as the madman he is. I really don’t think too many people are going to want to sign up for that shit show going forward.

These are the death throes, my friends. Ugly as they are, they portend complete and utter meltdown. Even if by some miracle of treachery, he gets elected, he will not last long. The man is devolving before our eyes. What we have to do now is to stay the course, make our voices and our wallets felt wherever we can to avoid the chaos that will inevitably follow in his wake.

And there will be a God Almighty mess to clean up, but that is the case after almost any terminal illness. Those who remain must pull it together, disinfect the house, get the bank accounts and the keys in the right hands, and restructure life going forward.

I am feeling good about the future, my friends, and I hope you are too. Not lazy, not smug, but confident that if we keep to our path, the light will reemerge.

And this time, let’s do something better with it.

September 30, 2020 *Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab. **Anita can be contacted for purchase of obtaining the recipe for her protection spray or readings at All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Emerald Green
Emerald Green
Oct 01, 2020

Even though I didn’t agree with John‘s politics, since he’s crossed over I enjoy his posts and sense of humor so much. I didn’t watch much of the debate bc it was clear the orange one didn't have anything to offer. His agenda appeared to be geared towards domination of Joe & preventing him from speaking. I read this morning that CBS will mute whoever interrupts. Pray that’s true. Thanks John and Ann!

P.S. I love the song you mentioned Carol.


Carol Baum
Carol Baum
Sep 30, 2020

I'm reminded of this song "The Morning After" from The Poseidon Adventure.

There's got to be a morning after

If we can hold on through the night

We have a chance to find the sunshine

Let's keep on looking for the light

Oh, can't you see the morning after?

It's waiting right outside the storm

Why don't we cross the bridge together

And find a place that's safe and warm?

It's not too late, we should be giving

Only with love can we climb

It's not too late, not while we're living

Let's put our hands out in time

There's got to be a morning after

We're moving closer to the shore

I know we'll be there by tomorrow



Jane Basehoar
Jane Basehoar
Sep 30, 2020

Thank you Ann and John, I had texted my sister that I hoped we would be graced with your advantaged perspective. The unhinged arrogance jangled my nerves and made it hard to fall asleep thinking about all the insults and interruptions we had all just witnessed. I was relieved to hear this morning that donations were flowing in to the Democratic party as folks felt speaking through their wallets could speak volumes about the debate debacle that showed disrespect, disgrace and desperate weakness, devoid of decency for our democracy.


Sep 30, 2020

Thank you John and Ann for bringing encouragement and a fighting spirit from the other side. It's nice to know those of us living through this crap show haven't been forgotten. Last night gave me every bad emotion a person can feel (from nausea to blind rage lol). My fellow Americans better wake up and come through for us this time or the USA is going to become another failed country for the history books.


Sep 30, 2020

Thank you, John McCain, for weighing in on last night’s debate. It was a shocker. It is very comforting to hear your perspective. You’ve given me hope that Trump will not last long and this is exactly what I needed to hear.


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