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Mary Magdalene: The Divine Feminine

Updated: Nov 18, 2019

Anita Sacco at contacted me to say that Mary Magdalene who was an advocate for women and children came across the Rainbow Bridge with something she wants to say in support of those who feel challenged in these time. I can’t say that I completely follow all that she says but hope and trust that many of you will.

“The recognition of the equal place of women in the continuum is just the beginning until we are able to recognize that all sentient beings and many not recognized as such can be welcomed as co-equal partners in the quest for a balanced and holy society full of joy where the joy of knowing takes precedence over any petty desire to possess.”

Ann: Anita says you wanted to speak with me.

Mary Magdalene: Yes, much has changed for women since my day and time, but still we need to be vigilant in following our desires and upholding our responsibilities. With the role of “follower,” we must be careful to subunit only to Jesus Christ who is one with the Holy Spirit. Anything else is an abdication of our responsibilities to maintain our own inner compass.

It is this compass that guides our way. As women we carry the survival of the race within our wombs. Fearing our control over this central function and facilitated by our inferior physical strength and stature, the male of the species has subjected us to domination and servitude. Scientifically, however, this is wrong, for the female of the species has a stronger constitution and is not impaired by the hormones of aggression that nature has bestowed upon the male. Consequently, in the best of times we can render a less impassioned judgement on the paths we choose to tread and the decisions we make to further the growth of our communities.

In speaking with you today I am hoping to communicate on behalf of women from ancient times unto your own about the role women are destined to play. The old order is crumbling. Women will be the resources turned to in order to manage our transition into the next phase of civilization where judgment is withheld until facts are presented, where balance is required so that truth may be served, and where the appreciation of all souls as equal will be the prerequisite to entry into the society.

This is not to imply that women are better than men, for all are human and, as such, all have a seat at the table. There are variations in stability and wisdom within and between the sexes, and men will not be put down or subjugated as a matter of course as has often been the fate of women but will instead take their place with every other soul at the table. The content of our character, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, will be what guides us.

Until this time comes, it is incumbent on all of us to behave as the reign of equality were already here, that is, to stand up in the face of ridicule and condescension, to require equal recognition for all for our children in the sure and certain knowledge that one soul is only as holy as the next. Indeed, the recognition of the equal place of women in the continuum is just the beginning until we are able to recognize that all sentient beings and many not recognized as such can be welcomed as co-equal partners in the quest for a balanced and holy society full of joy where the joy of knowing takes precedence over any petty desire to possess. I know that it does not seem possible at the present time that there could ever be anything like this, but indeed it is coming if each of us takes an uncompromising and resolute stand for the dignity of all.

A: Mary, no offense, but these utopias have been predicted but never materialize.

MM: It will, it must, if the species is to survive. The process is starting now, and more trauma may be required to create an illumination in consciousness sufficient to motivate such a sea change. But it will come, and in any case each of you can start now to do what you can to bring about this new world by acting in accordance with the precepts that will govern us when it arrives.

November 10, 2019

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Douglas Hallenbeck
Douglas Hallenbeck
Dec 20, 2019

Blessings on Mary Magdalene for this wonderful and timely message! We must be willing to be visionary in our spiritual path on this planet despite the physical and emotional abuse that visionaries face here! In every interaction, I pray that I will remember to honor every woman, child and man that my path crosses, so help me God!



Nov 11, 2019

This is extremely powerful and so well stated. Thank you Anne. I hope we hear more from Mary Magdeline. Although it is difficult not to allow our consciousness to be consumed with negative news, it’s up to us to focus on and manifest the light in our own lives. doing this can be as simple as a word of kindness to another person. Compassion is a powerful antidote to evil.

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