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Princess Diana: The Interview

Nothing is as it seems.

Ann: Diana? I would not have thought you would have wanted to pile on.

Diana: Yes, I know, and that is why I have chosen this forum to speak. You really don’t want me here, do you?

Ann: Not that, just that this is a place where those who have passed come to offer insight and wisdom to help those of us still struggling here. I have never asked about the personal lives associated with a particular incarnation, and such details have never been offered except by way of a teaching example. So no, I don’t want to get in the middle of a family fight.

Diana: Understood. With your permission, however, I do want to mention to your readers to have a care how they view this made for TV spectacle, not just the interview but the entire monarchy. Nothing is as it seems.

Many struggle to find their place in an anachronistic system which still allows us to believe in fairy tales and beautiful people. And there is nothing wrong with that if that fairy tale carries with it care and concern for those who support it.

It seems to me that many had good intentions here but were blind to any point of view other than their own. Of course I weep for the exile of my son from his family, but such has often been the making of a man or a woman. Only time will tell.

As to the palace, there is a place for pomp and circumstance, and it is to be hoped that this rough patch will, as I thought it did in my time, imbue those so royally placed to look upon others who are not so fortunate with kindness, compassion, and respect.

March 9, 2021

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Mar 11, 2021

This reading doesn’t sit well with me. Think Ann is right to be cautious of this entity that calls itself Diana. This soul feels troubled to me.

Mar 24, 2021
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Guess what i wrote was confusing. I Believe it was Diana but my sense is she is a bit earthbound or still too caught up in earth events and/or troubled. That was why i felt it best for me to take her words or motives with caution. The wording “entity that calls itself Diana” is my way of terming spirit—not to say it might have not been Diana in her last incarnation


Mar 10, 2021

While no person or institution is perfect, it seems like what Diana did, what the Queen does, what William does etc. - is to SERVE. And that seems holy to me. They bring attention to charities, hospitals, the homeless, those who need help and acknowledgement. I am sorry Diana had so much to contend with in the royal family - but what she gave was attention to those who needed attention - to those with aids, to the arts, to landmines etc. As does William - just this week bringing attention to the mental health needs of front line workers. I think that is a beautiful service.

Michelle Smith
Michelle Smith
Mar 24, 2021
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William is a narcissist


Betty Jean
Mar 10, 2021

For myself, I'm glad to hear from Diana. I did not watch the spectacle, and it is hard not to see the comments from mortals on the news and media. So thank you Diana for making the effort and Ann for the column.


Mar 10, 2021

As humans, we are only capable of a limited perspective, regardless of how "enlightened" we perceive our own selves or even the myriad of "enlightened" tarot readers and psychics on YouTube - or how "spiritual", "highly vibrating" others on this planet profess to tell you they are and/or want you to believe they are.

Diana makes an astutely important point; and choosing one's media idols wisely, if at all, might bode well for all of us.


Clearly, Diana's words were carefully chosen, carefully written by Ann.

My critical thinking skills, at this juncture, dictate a bit of common sense. And along with insight as nd sensibility it seems Diana enlightened us as only she might.


Mar 10, 2021
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Wonderful insights, thank you, Laurie, for this thoughtful post.


Amy David
Amy David
Mar 09, 2021

I don’t know if the people in the palace are capable of changing. They have had so many chances and they seem to fall short each time. We can hope they can learn from this experience but I wouldn’t hold my breath. the queen is taking her time putting out a statement and I hope it is good and fair. It needs to heal not divide. Pray for her!

Mar 10, 2021
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What you said, Amy.

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