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Richard Burton on the Senate Trial

Hate to admit it, but I am having some trouble keeping it in the road after seeing the naked greed and shameless lies that comprised much of the Republican presentation in the Senate impeachment trial. And many of us, myself included, seem to be having a few downward spirals of our own, so I asked Richard to ride to the rescue which he did in a brief but inimitable fashion.

"Use the trial to deepen your resources and commitment to Spirit. Angels can do no more."

Ann: Richard is there anything you can tell us about the travesty of this "trial" in the Senate?

Richard Burton: Yes, love, hate to say it, but it gets darker before the dawn. And, yes, I can see you rolling your eyes. But sometimes, love, we cannot stop a downward spiral; it has to play out in its own time. We can stand up. We can reach out. We can ask for Spirit to lighten the core of our beings with the warmth of its eternal light, but sometimes changing the course of history is not within our power.

The Senate trial is exposing those whose only motivations in government are greed and power. The House Managers are soldiering on in spite of the fact that they hold a losing hand. But they, as St Catherine has suggested, are doing their part as, oddly enough, the Republicans may be also, and it may be that this trial of fools turns out to be a blessing in some unforeseen manner.

Your work not is not to let this ugliness find a home inside you. Follow the advice of every wisdom figure offering counsel on this blog. Reach out in kindness to those around you. This is where it will begin and end. Others have suffered through this before, why should your country be immune? Use the trial to deepen your resources and commitment to Spirit. Angels can do no more.

January 22, 2020

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Feb 06, 2020

I love this channel, but I particularly love Richard's posts. Thank you Richard. Thank you Ann :)


Jan 22, 2020

Not - the perpetual did play of chest thumping, foot stomping tantrums of over inflated egos on both sides is egregious. It is a global embarrassment.


Jan 22, 2020

Richard, in my next lifetime I would like to marry you.


Jan 22, 2020

I hear what Richard is saying and my way of coping is opting out of all the craziness of this mock Senate hearing. We all KNEW it was going to be a joke, they can't and wont go against Trump not now or probably ever so I think we have until the election until this extreme insanity ends but if he wins again then I'm truly worried about Trump declaring himself President for life like Putin is trying to do right now. It is no coincidence that Putin is going for a total and permanent power grab and Trump will follow suit. This is what scares me the most is just how far the Rep's will go to end our…


Jan 22, 2020

Wonderful advice. Thank you both. “Reach out in kindness to those around you...”

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