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  • Ann

St. Francis: Not a Saint

You are embarking on a journey of integration, the perfection

or attempted perfection of balance between mortal and spirit.

Ann: St. Francis?

St. Francis: Yes, but not a saint, that is really too heavy a load to carry. I was an ordinary mortal blessed with extraordinary vision and the gift of sustaining it – largely fortified by my intolerance for anything else.

Not a saint because everyone is headed here. Do not think that I jump-skipped over all the steps in-between because I had been around the block many, many times before I met the life in 13th and 14th century Italy.

Ann: So sorry we got interrupted.

St. Francis: There is no such thing as interruption, just continuation.

You wonder why you cannot hold fast to what you think of as a spiritual way of life, but my dear, not every journey is of withdrawal and prophecy.

You like so many of your compatriots are embarking on a journey of integration, the perfection or attempted perfection of balance between mortal and spirit.

At another time you may have lived the life of an ascetic, withdrawing from the world, but this time around you are asked to carry spirits' heart in your mortal body as you manage its day to day life in human society. You are asked to hold two worlds together as one, two horses pulling the plow as one.

And I see you are noticing that it has very different challenges from that of the religious life. You are pulled by your ego in two ostensibly opposite directions, on the one hand, spiritual “”capitulation,” as it is framed by ego, and, on the other, the dark lure of spiritual anarchy, but both are a type of death by drowning.

And yet you are finding your way as you bounce between the two magnetic poles of human existence, spirit and human, earth and stars, for you are discovering that the only place of rest is stasis, the middle point where rest and surrender, so different from capitulation, are your healing guides.

You have no need of decisions, simply follow where you are led. The world will challenge and bless you as spirit offers at every junction a signpost specifically adapted to the moment. You have no need to decide a plan for the ages because you will be provided for as your go along. Trust this. It is real.

I was what has been referred to as an ascended master (though I beg to differ with the terminology) come to light the way for others. I had resided in the upper regions of the highest vibrations and could not therefore tolerate an indefinite stay in “mixed company,” so I opted for a bifurcated life.

You, many of you in fact, are of a different make-up, and are asked to balance both worlds as you go along, the human journey with all its pitfalls and promises gradually inspired and immunized by spiritual guides like myself who travel with you.

You are asked to awaken from sleep but not leave the house. It is enough to be going on with, I send you my blessings.

October 8, 2023

Free Image Credit: Pixabay, Bderjanet.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Oct 08, 2023

Thank you, Laurie.


Oct 08, 2023

This is SO timely. Without boring one with details, very recently Georgie and myself were texting about our spiritual experiences and journeys in the last few years; they are journeys of ups and downs, side tracking, leaps and bounds beyond what we might have thought possible, too.

It's that balance that thus far seems so challenging a level to achieve.

Being human ....often simply sucks.

And being human brings us the extraordinary love and immeasurable joy I have found in Sweet Dulcinea, too.

It's also brought the the unique, treasured human and spiritual connections with a few others.

For this....I am so thankful.

It helps.

Many thanks, Ann.

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