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"Conversations" Out on Kindle!

Updated: Nov 22, 2019

"Conversations with Richard: It's Not Over When You Die," is out in e-book form on Kindle, Nook, I-Tunes and maybe some other venues I don't know about. I am hoping that those of you who come across it will be encouraged to further your own spiritual connections even if they might seem out of the mainstream.

I certainly had some trepidation about going public and was reticent - not to mention terrified - about publishing my first conversations with the spirit of Richard Burton. I could just hear the comments from friends and family - not to mention my legal colleagues. I am sure you can imagine....

Well, as you can see, that ship has sailed. Richard, with his foot metaphorically in the middle of my back, insisted that it must be out there as one small example of the unbroken connection between life and death and of the unfailing love of the Creator for his creations. “Drop your own small pebble into the pond," he said, ”For that is what you have to contribute.” Now that the book is available in Kindle, etc., format, I was similarly conflicted about putting it out on the blog and so asked Richard how he thought we should proceed. He was characteristically blunt.

Ann: Richard, do you think it is appropriate to promote our book?

Richard Burton: Yes. First, if you didn’t want it out there, you would not have published it, so why would you not give it every reason to succeed? Telling people that it is available online is just simple common sense. You need to get over these unnecessary qualms, they do no service to our cause which is expanding the circle of those who consciously communicate with Spirit and thereby demonstrating in whatever form either of us can muster that there are forces greater than ourselves at work on the planet and at work for good.

Your news organizations feed on horror, death, and disaster but much good is occurring, and much of that is at an individual as well as a collective level. So many people are searching for ways to help, are committing themselves to spiritual inquiry and understanding. It is these small steps that can have enormous impact on a universal scale, so we must all do our part.

As you know I did not initially support your sharing our intimate conversations with others. At that point they were too new, you were too fragile to risk commentary on what was a very personal journey for you, and you did not really believe on some level that we were in fact communicating. It is different now. Time has passed and even you cannot deny the force and depth of our association. You have found that many with whom you have shared this journey have been on or begun their own spiritual explorations, sometimes with myself, sometimes with other guides or in any one of the infinite varieties of communication with the Divine.

So, yes, I want to promote the book and the work of many like Anita* and David** who have committed their lives to helping others access the spiritual teachers that are available to us all. For everyone can reach out and find inspiration and comfort and in so doing enrich their lives and the lives of everyone around them. This is our army, an army of light, and every minute spent spreading the word of our encroaching forces is one minute more added to the hours, days, months, and eons of work on behalf of the human race.

This is a critical time, there is no room for self-effacing behaviour or shrinking violets. We must proclaim what we are doing and welcome each and every person who wants to join us. So, yes, love, I am in favor of promoting the book.

November 21, 2019

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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2 commentaires

Carol Baum
Carol Baum
23 nov. 2019

I read a good portion of the book this morning. You two are quite the pair. I am impressed by your honesty and courage in sharing something so personal.


23 nov. 2019

I am so glad you published this book, I bought it a few weeks ago and loved it, I hope you do more conversations with Richard and others as well. You and Richard are quite an insightful and interesting pair. I laughed, I cried, I read it straight through and enjoyed every page. I feel you two have barely scratched the surface of conversations yet to come.

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