I encourage you and your readers to explore these alternatives
so as to bring yourselves into better health
as you live with a deeper connection to the planet and its offerings.
Ann: Mr. Cayce?
Edgar Cayce: Yes, my thanks to Miriam for bringing me to your attention.
My purpose in coming here today is to further healing among those still incarnate. So many healing therapies have been lost to history, and it was my purpose in my previous time on the planet to bring back some of these remedies into the mainstream.
Today that is happening, though not without the usual fraudsters that proliferate around any endeavor that has money making potential. Therefore it is important for each of us to start to study the benefits of common elements in our environment which can be helpful to us without resorting to the sometimes astringent and multicidal effects of allopathic medicine.
I do not discourage you from seeking help through that channel, but instead simply suggesting that you consider expanding your horizons to include the use of herbs and teas as well as plant and animal based therapies. While I do not encourage the consumption of animal flesh, there is much good that can come to us from animal products such as eggs, cheeses of various origins, and carefully calibrated dairy.
While I realize that this is not a medical channel, I come here to provide a heads up to those of you who have yet to explore these alternatives. By carefully expanding your knowledge, you will be able to sort out practitioners who have studied and learned and are applying their knowledge based not only upon current studies and research but also on historical remedies which have been handed down through the ages.
There is in the collection of my work such a compendium. I cannot say that I was uniformly accurate because, as is always the case, there can be something lost in translation, but I commend to your attention those texts and those of other learned practitioners who are bringing back these treatments and moving our understanding of medicine into a more holistic approach.
I do not ask you to transcribe these remedies, Ann, because your channel is not yet strong enough to pick up language and concepts which are outside of your experience, but I encourage you and your readers to explore these alternatives so as to bring yourselves into better health as you live with a deeper connection to the planet and its offerings.
March 25, 2021
Sorry for my typos. 😔
So very kind of you to pass along this very helpful info Amy. ❤️🙏
As a master herbalist, I concur with this message. So much powerful healing and wisdom comes from plant medicine.