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Merlin: Alchemy

I channel by writing what I hear, but recently hand issues have made that difficult. It occurred to me that I was being asked to receive more directly, but the risk of trance channeling unenlightened spirits (been there, done that, prefer never again) held me back. But I needed help to connect with Spirit, so I asked. With some trepidation, I offer this in the hope that it will resonate with you.


Ann: I could use some help as you can see.


Merlin: Yes, you struggle and, fearing what you have known before, ostracization, persecution, and pain, hold back from what you desire . Despite the fact that your current life circumstances may allow you a comfortable life, your psychic memory recalls those turbulent and terrifying times.

I am glad that you have come to me. I was your teacher and your mentor. I ask you now to set aside the opinions of others. None of these are relevant, for only your own experience, your own internal gathering of wisdom, affection, and love from your guides can take you to the acceptance of your true nature.

For you, like so many, are a prophet of God, and yet you abhor proselytizing and or even pushing others to your point of view as you have been persecuted more times than we can count in that regard.

However, now is the time to set those superficial experiences aside, and reach for what is authentic in your own nature. This is what I have come to tell you.

You are whole in and of yourself. You are not formed or even affected by the opinions of others. You can take your gifts as far or keep them as near as you determine, and there will be no judgment upon you. The only thing we ask is that you keep us with you. This is what will lead you home, keep you centered, and hold you in the arms of Spirit.

Do not fear to come to us expecting that we will upbraid you for your shortcomings. That is the path of alienation in any relationship. When you come here, you will always be welcomed with love, nourishment for your soul.

We are with you, we are rooting for you, we will never fight against you, for we respect what you have experienced and how you struggle to bring forth the light in the face of many challenges both present and prior.

The world is created in love.  When you take that knowledge into your heart, you can allow yourself to move forward.

This is the spiritual alchemy offered to you and everyone who has had the courage to take on human form.  Through our Creator’s love,  the lead of human existence is transformed into gold when we receive this gift.

It is that simple and it is that true.

August 25, 2024

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only. 

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Aug 26, 2024

“The world is created in love.” Beautiful, solacing message. Let us go forward with that message in our hearts. Ann, you are a gifted communicator, for which we are grateful. ❤️


Aug 26, 2024

Thank you Ann and Merlin! So nice to hear from you, and as Laurie said, life and our struggles here often take us back and forth, back and forth! I love that you said you asked for help and that resonates with me, as it seems with weekly, daily, sometimes hourly struggles, all we can do is Trust the unknown, take a step and keep walking with them beside us. That gives me great comfort to be reminded this, as it's true, I forget (almost daily!), but somehow, "something" in me calls me to talk to the team and at least just say "hi" and keep them close. I feel this is a gentle way and you do feel suppo…


Aug 26, 2024

Well, now....I had a feeling you were dealing with some "things" , Ann...(as are we all, but, still...) I am happy to hear from you.

Merlin, too.

Let's hope we're all on an upwards path; this last fork in the road could easily have meant the end. we hopes, once again, of better times to come.

Thank you, Ann. And Merlin.

And, always, Pete.

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