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Merlin: Your Place In the Creative Process


Updated: Dec 23, 2020

Ansuz and Butterfly

This morning I pulled Ansuz as my guiding rune for today. Ansuz is the breath of creation. I then asked the Medicine Cards for further clarification. Butterfly teaches us about the creatives stages in our lives. Then I asked the universe for further clarification, and Merlin answered.

Ann: Will one of your speak to me about this rune and medicine card?

Merlin: Yes. With these guides you are being led to direct interaction with magic. Magic, which the mystics study and receive, is the creative power, the breath that has powered the planet and the cosmos for eons, since the beginning. The message is for everyone who reads these words.

Following on the returning light of the Solstice yesterday and on the heels of the Great Conjunction of Mother Jupiter and Father Saturn later in the day, you are each invited to take the breath of Ansuz, that which was given by our Creator to breathe life into its creations, and find its purpose in your own lives.

This is indeed a sacred time upon the planet. A door has opened and you are asked to walk through it. What door it is and to what vista it leads is individual to each of you. Ansuz asks you to acknowledge and receive the sacred breath. Butterfly guides you to ascertain your place in the transformational process.

Are you a receiver at this time? Can you open to receive the light of Buddha, Christ, the Great Spirit, and the Holy Ones of each spiritual tradition? If this is your moment, find your quietness and accept what you have been offered. This is not the time for questions or activity but the granting of space to let yourself be filled with the universal creative energy.

Perhaps you feel stable in the preparation of your spiritual ground, and the beginning seeds of transformation have started to stir within you. Like Butterfly, you are asked to be still, to compost, to feel within your center the rearranging of the elemental forces of your own mini-universe. Listen carefully, allow the movement and receive in gratitude the readjustment of your internal balance.

Do you sense that the fruits of this labor are solidifying into a form, a wish, a desire for healing for yourself and others, for individual creation of some sort? Can you feel this energy take shape within you, the crystallization of an idea, a concept, large or small? Trust the impulse. Experience the mystical joy of threads coming together as your energy forms itself into an idea, a goal, an intention, or a prayer.

Perhaps you are ready to move into expression, giving birth in your own life, quietly or with much fanfare, to that which has been building in your psyche and soul over this particular lifetime. Take the breath of your Creator that has moved you through these stages and release it into your creation. Rejoice in the explosive delight and transformational light that blinds you, its creator, with its knowingness.

It matters not how this creation is received by others. You yourself may not completely understand what you are birthing, for mystical creation defies human description. Simply trust in your holy guidance, in your Maker and its mystical powers, and become like Ansuz, a receiver--container-expresser-transformer,* a co-creator with Source as we are each destined to be.

Where are you in this process and what are you creating?

December 23, 2020

*See Thorsson, Edred. Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic, pp. 26-27, for further discussion of Ansuz.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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