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The Holy Place of Nothing

This morning I came across a meditation by Henri Nouwen entitled, “Let Yourself Be Useless With God” which is posted below. For my meditation card I pulled the Crystal Spirit, Sunstone, “Your past and your wounds do not need to keep you stuck in old patterns."

Then, for good measure - have you noticed how Spirit sometimes helps the dense among us – I pulled the Sowelu rune which signifies the Sun, Wholeness, “the eminent spiritual force that guides the [seeker] through the paths of Yggdrasil, the holy cosmic tree.”*

The power of these combined messages threw me back into a different place and state which I cannot put into words. From there I was flung into this writing with Richard and the following one with Fred Rogers.

Richard Burton: It is a great privilege to be with you on this journey. Many of us has had the unexpected gift of a light filled experience which we can then cherish and come back to in darker times. It is so easy in the press of everyday worries to forget that the birds of the air and the lilies of the field were fed and clothed in glory beyond the reach of our understanding. Little one, you are so intent on holding your feet to the fire, you sometimes forget that what is most treasured is not your accomplishments but your communion with God. Try being a sparrow, you will like it.

So it is for all of us. In truth this is all we are asked to do. There is no "to do" list, schedule of meetings, tasks to be accomplished, just the simple and holy connection with Source. Yes, I hear the string of “buts” forming in your mind, but, for once, can you let them go for just an instant? And in that instant ask for the light to fill you from your crown through your central column to the soles of your feet with the ongoing and ever present love of Source. This is where you need to be whenever you can snatch a moment from the illusion of urgent and pressing affairs.

You have always worried about your tendency to idleness, have you not? Everyone else in your family was a doer, an achiever, so what was wrong with you? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, for nothing is the place from which our holy connection derives. You have heard this before from Auntie (Harriet Tubman) in her post of Oct. 5, 2019.

It is not in any one designated activity or place. Nothing is the echoing heart’s center where the sun resides. The Sunstone Crystal Card suggests that you may have "succumbed to the illusion of scarcity consciousness." Sowelu, the Sun, the rune signifies Wholeness, that welcoming of light into a part of your life heretofore held secret, i.e., idleness, can open the door to the universal bright.

Henri Nouwen was fond of quoting God’s message to Jesus - and by extension to each and every one of us in the deserts of our own choosing: “You are my beloved child on whom my favor rests.” So take this knowledge with you as your talisman for every minute of every day and remember your mission to be useless with God.

May 13, 2020

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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