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Jesus: Why He Came

Anita* told me several days ago that Jesus wanted to talk to me. Aside from incredulity that comes with such a fantastic idea, I was oddly reluctant. The "Who am I to be talking to Jesus?" is always present, but it is more than that. I am sharing this conversation with some trepidation in the hope that it will resonate with some of you because I know that it's just not me he's talking to,

Ann: Hi Jesus.

Jesus: Hello. I am wondering why you feel you need to hold back when I come by?

Ann: Not really sure, lazy, always looking for a time to read my book, veg out. But I think probably you have something you want me to do that I don’t want to do.

Jesus: You mean you don’t want to be enlightened and live on a cloud?

Ann: Pretty much.

Jesus: Well, that is fortunate because I don’t either.

Ann: Of course I know you don’t do that and have been given to understand how hard you work, even to the point of exhaustion.

Jesus: Yes, Ann, energy is a finite thing and can be worn down and take time to restore. Many of you have helped me do so in a myriad of different ways as I hope to do for you.

And this relates to your reluctance to engage with me. You fear being asked to take on a level of commitment where everything you have is given, and nothing is left over for you. In short, you fear your energy will be depleted and not restored.

You have reason for this fear, for in lives past you have been stripped of everything, your energy, your livelihood, your body, your identity without regard for your very soul, and it is important for you to know that you can prevent these transgressions in this life.

What you have yet to learn this time around is that we are on your side. Ann, how do you imagine that I, who know firsthand what it is to lose every single solitary thing except God’s love, would in any way seek to put you or any other being through that torment?

It is said that I suffered, that I took the sins of the world onto myself so that others would not have to. That is not true. I suffered, I took into my body and being the hatred poured upon me by unsuspecting mobs who were being used as tools in a political power war, much as is happening today. What I did was not to be an example, not to suffer so you would not have to, but to learn that I was enough in God’s eyes, that nothing could take God’s love from me.

It is this I come to teach now, not any suggested emulation of my own tortured path.

This is hard for you to hear, isn’t it?

Ann: Yes.

Jesus: Why do you think that is?

Ann: Because I cannot bear the thought, the realization, the experience in my own being of what you suffered because, when you speak, it is real to me.

Jesus: Ah. Now we come to it. You seek shelter and haven away from horrors that are of man not of God. What I ask of you is to see that I do not bring these horrors with me, that I do not ask you to share them, that I only want to walk with you on the path you have been given in this day and time. It is my hope that with me at your side, you will not follow such a path.

My dear, you have already done so as your body and psyche are well aware. We gave you this life for rest and recuperation, but not just that. We are asking that you awaken from all of the personas you have taken on that have added to the fine patina on your soul.

If you feel that you are self-protective and self-centered, recollect that nothing is gained by needless self-sacrifice. Self-care is holy, and it is that that I offer you, my hand on your shoulder just as you have held my head in your hands and given me ease. Feel the warmth and ease that flow from those hands, yours and mine. You know well what giving hands can do. Now allow yourself to receive from mine. That is all I ask.

Ann: Now can I go read my book? I don’t mean that the way it sounds. I am taking in what you are offering, but it’s overwhelming.

Jesus: And you need your book to titrate the energy. Yes, I understand. You are wiser than you know, so now let us go and read about love and adventure in the Australian Outback.

Ann: Thank you, Jesus. I love you.

Jesus: I know. I never doubted it. You have done so from a child.

April 30, 2021

*Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab. Anita can be contacted for purchase of obtaining the recipe for her protection spray or readings at

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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