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Robin Williams: Dial-A-Friend

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

Ann: Dial-a-friend? Seriously?

Robin: Absolutely, that would be me, starting a new online business, “Heavenly Heart To Heart Chats,” “Angels R Us” (not that I would qualify for that, but we have to diversity to survive), and “Write a Riff” at your service, (that would be me.)

I gave Anita a nudge because I could feel you drifting. Not really down but into that Neverland that I know so well, that state where nothing seems clear or very important, where “the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”**

And yet not so, as Richard so eloquently said with the words of the Bard, for what can we bequeath, save our deposed bodies to the ground?***

For that passionate intensity is full of pretention and misapprehension and eventually will be seen as simply silly. Don’t buy in, my friend, this is not for you. The work line that funnels darkness into your soul is best left outside the gates.

Turn to your friends, this friend, in particular, should you have the inkling, for desperation is not a stranger to my soul, and yet I had to die to discover that it was a paper tiger. Not that horrible things do not happen to our earthly bodies, just that our spirits are still alive and vibrant when we leave those bodies the wiser for what we have suffered.

This is the wisdom of which your friend from this side of the page is here to remind you. This is what will keep your eyes lifted and your spirit happy. The reason many older people are happy is because they know that secret. We are not just - or even primarily - our bodies, our talents, or our accomplishments. We are what and whom we have loved.

And I love you, Annie. You make me smile with your antics and offbeat take on spiritual enlightenment. All of us should be so lucky as to ride through gates of heaven on an aged horse with a pack of aged dogs trailing.

Ann: Am I making this up, Robin?

Robin: Of course, all the good things are those that come from our imagination cut free, leaving the ribbons to flow in the breeze wherever they will. That’s what a good riff is made of. It always lifts the spirits, as I can tell you. It’s just plain fun to let your mind go and see what happens – always provided that it doesn't fall down and get caught in a gooseberry bush.

I will leave you with that. Never forget that I am a friend to play with. Call on me.

Love to all of you,


September 15, 2020

* Anita Sacco. See "Recommended Channelers" under "Resources" tab.

**Anita can be contacted for purchase of obtaining the recipe for her protection spray or readings at

**W. B. Yeats, The Second Coming.

***William Shakespeare, Richard II, Act 3, Scene 2

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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Amy David
Amy David
Sep 16, 2020

Yes, Karen, that is right. Jane suggested i explore Tina’s vlog. Ann provided the means in which I could ask for answers and Ann’s community responded To my need. I’m so thankful. Hey Robin! do you want us to watch the new film about you called Robin’s Wishes? I usually stay away from bios on celebrities because I don’t know how accurate they are. I like to leave private lives private and left to the imagination. But what’s your take on that movie? Do you want us to watch it?


Jane Basehoar
Jane Basehoar
Sep 15, 2020

Karen - I suggested Tina and Channeling Jesus to Amy David, and it was around the time we were on #4. Jesus had asked us to share his 40 days and 40 nights with folks. Glad you are feeling led to redo A Course In Miracles. I have not done the whole course yet.


Karen Grace
Karen Grace
Sep 15, 2020

Ann, I think there was a comment about #4 in one of your entries a day or two ago?


Sep 15, 2020

Thanks, Karen, I too love the way these connections evolve. However, it must have been someone else that connected you with Tina as I have not yet done so. Hope to soon!


Karen Grace
Karen Grace
Sep 15, 2020

Ann, I wanted to thank you for connecting me with Tina and the 40 Days and Nights with Jesus. I am definitely feeling led...first through Jon Katz's blog to you, and now through you to this new material.

I followed the Course in Miracles about 30 years ago, and just this summer thought that I would like to do it again but hadn't pursued it yet. All things in their own perfect timing I guess! Anyway, I am so appreciative!

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