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Robin Williams: Radical Kindness

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

I had just finished the previous post from Robin when it became clear that he had something important still to say. His energy is so focused a bit like a pressure hose so it is hard to ignore. Not that I want to because it is an honor to hear and transcribe his messages.

“I ask that you try radical kindness. It is the only road to God.”

Ann: You aren’t finished?

Robin: No. I want to talk to you about radical kindness. That is the kindness that sees past the heart of corruption, past the grabby waiter, the duplicitous partner, or the usurious boss to the heart of each of these people. Radical kindness sees to the need, to the hole in the transgressor’s heart. Not to say that anything goes, but to ask what can be done to help. Sometimes that is restraint, sometimes forbearance, but radical kindness is of God.

I saw it while I was living, felt it in my heart from so many who knew my shortcomings, who knew that I had transgressed the laws of man and God but who refused to condemn me. No wonder I was able to offer this up to some of those who crossed my path. I saw the yearning, weeping, laughing, dancing souls of those who passed through my life. I bloomed under the radiance of those perceptive authors and producers who pushed for the hidden parts of my soul to allow it some time in the sun.

I ask that you try radical kindness. It is the only road to God. What would your soul need in this very moment to give it ease? What would the words be that would take you out of the nutcracker strain of pressures that make up this life? Say those words to yourself. Give that gift to yourself.

And don’t make the mistake of thinking that you don’t have the wherewithal, the funds, the goods, or the time to make these gestures. Radical kindness doesn’t cost anything, a look into someone’s eyes, a flower that is given time to speak its magic to you, a hand out to a friend, acquaintance, or stranger in need, that is all it is.

That was the real part of my life. The underlying horrors of addiction, dementia, and encroaching mental annihilation all fell before that gesture. And the last gift of radical kindness to myself was the gift of death to a depleted and exhausted soul which had already gone past its sell-by date.

October 8, 2019

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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