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The Pleiadians: With You, Within You

I channeled this message almost a year ago and only now seem to be receiving it in my heart. Clearly it was not for me alone. As they say, timing is everything! Love to hear your thoughts.

The Pleiadians: You are opening, Ann, to the messages that are out there for you to hear, now willing to consider your origins and your history.

We all of us have existed in many forms, times, dimensions and worlds beyond number, yet we cannot, most of us, "function" if that knowledge comes to the surface. I hear so many say, out loud or subliminally, “I’ve got enough to handle right here, let’s not get into that woo woo stuff.”

And yet that woo woo stuff is part and parcel, not only of your history but of your current mission and purpose. Look back, far, far back, far enough where the world you inhabit now was not even a planet. There are countless dimensions, stars, galaxies, and planets out there which have contributed inhabitants to the earth, countless beings who have taken on the mission of the earth’s educational experiment. Many have failed, some have succeeded.

It is now the time in creation where the balance is shifting and must shift so that more succeed and fewer souls fail to hold the Creator’s love and succumb to the allure of the ego. You have begun to feel that long buried spark within you. Listen now to White Feather.

Ann: Yes, ok.

White Feather: Ann, you were once among us on a far flung world, enjoying a more peaceful and even idyllic existence where harmony was the rule and strife the exception. Many now on your planet have the same origins.

Your systems therefore recoil from this planet's heavy atmosphere, from the seemingly intractable “human-ness” that sees its own gratification as the primary goal regardless of what or who is sacrificed. Your spirits entered this world more than once with the intent of resupplying some of that peace and serenity so as to give those so embroiled a moment to consider their own origins and their innermost being – only to find yourselves challenged beyond recognition and comprehension.

I ask each of you to look closely at who you are. I guarantee you that many if not most of you will be surprised and, I daresay, pleased at what you discover, for our ability to metamorphasize into beings with blinders has taken hold until many of us think we are the only beings in the multiverse.

Surely that is a cause for merriment and laughter, for a more ridiculous notion could not have ever been floated in the cosmos. Think about it, and you will find yourself smiling and laughing at your own silliness at every entertaining such a notion.

Many of you originate from the Pleiades so many eons ago. You have lived in other times and places not only on this planet but recently have found yourselves returning to the earth to repair the damage you may have done there whenever you could not accept your own divinity, the divinity that resides within each one of you.

You are not alone, either in your divinity or in your reluctance to claim same. And the solution to this problem is the solution to the woes of the planet.

For when we see ourselves as Divine and Eternal, our scale of right and wrong flattens the human curve of limited perception into an ever rising spirit of the expansion of the cosmos powered by love for each and every created atom.

Some of you will think this is just gibberish or useless platitudes. I entreat you to look deeper. Deeper into the world around you, deeper into the community of nature that ebbs and flows with its civilizations, species, continents, and climates. There is a larger rhythm than the winds human normally tune into. If you can feel it just a bit, maybe sporadically, you will find your mind, your consciousness, and your heart expanded beyond a simple belief in the five senses.

We are all on a magnificent adventure. How do you want to be remembered? How do you want to carry on your mission on this planet and others? Can you find the courage to explore your interior world and that above and beyond your physical arrangement? If you do so, you will feel the life force rise within you, feel a river of light take over your being and carry it where you, the Larger You, meant it to go in the first place, that is, in consonance with the Divine Force that birthed your creation and all that moves around you.

The world and all in it is moving, changing expanding in a rhythmic sine curve where dark and light power the ever rising waves of creation. Allow yourself to intuit just a fraction of the worlds to which you belong, and you will be forever changed from the time-limited body you now inhabit, changed, knowing you are loved, and birthing that love in everything you do so that you become a co-creator in the ever expanding flow of love's creation.

April 17, 2022

Runes: Isa to Fehu, ᛁ to ᚠ: From the single to the many, stasis to the abundance of community.

Free Image Credit: Pixabay, 8385.

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes.

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Mar 17, 2023

I thought about this post for most of the day....White Feather and the Pleadians tend to be succint; if theoretically we've all been here, there and virtually everywhere, what we desire to know and be in tuned to is familiar by nature, by virtue of our very existence as deigned by our Creator.

That, as humans, we tend to conveniently forget that as we become mired in ego .....might be part of the challenges incarnating as human.

I think we often insist upon making life far more difficult than need be. In doing so, that remains part of our purpose for existing - learning and balance.

Just a thought.

I have no answers, really. I'm still learning.

Mar 17, 2023
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Beautiful, Laurie, thank you.


Mar 16, 2023

Thank you, Ann. This message is long but every word is valuable. It's certainly a reminder that we are way more and have very long history than our limited life here on earth. It's actually a bit overwhelming when you think about it.

Mar 17, 2023
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Thank you, Mary, I too am still trying to receive it.


Mar 16, 2023

This is beautiful and rather overwhelming. thank you for sharing.

Mar 17, 2023
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How true! Thank you!

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