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White Feather: Earth Transformations

Earth Day

Ann: White Feather?

White Feather: Yes. Earth Day is a day of remembrance, a day of refection and sacred commitment to the nurture of our Mother Earth. And indeed, every day is such if we raise our consciousness and look around.

We who have carried her trials and tribulations as wounds on our bodies see now the urgent need of healing on every level. We ask that each of you take one step, just one today, to offer a kindness to our Mother. She will know. She will receive, and she will be glad.

Look around your home and your community. What could you do to help her? Take one step, just one. Then see if other steps reveal themselves to you.

Look out at the changing climate, the internal fires propelling our Mother in new directions. She is undergoing a shift, a metamorphosis.

Do not resist, go with her. Make yourself a part of her great aligning force and walk with her as she goes through her changes. Offer her aid when her wounds break open, and stand aside and rehabituate when aid will not suffice.

It may look as if a horrible cataclysm is upon her and that may be true, but it can be mitigated, absorbed, and adapted to if we work in concert with her deepest needs and desires.

She only wants herself and her inhabitants to live together in peace, to understand her birth, development, death and renewal as their own with each part of the multiversal Divine evolution.

Such changes happen on every level of existence, and she is both a macrocosm and a microcosm of that process. Help hers be peaceful whenever possible and, when not, a moment to gather together to weather necessary storms of transformation.

As never before, we are in this together.

April 22, 2021

All blog entries are works of the imagination and are for spiritual and entertainment purposes only.

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